Auth0 APIs

Auth0 exposes the following APIs for developers to consume in their applications.

Authentication API

The Authentication API exposes identity functionality for Auth0 and supported identity protocols (including OpenID Connect, OAuth, and SAML).

Typically, you should consume this API through one of the Auth0 SDKs, such as Auth0.js, or a library like Lock. However, if you are building your authentication UI manually, you will need to call the Authentication API directly.

Some example tasks include:


Learn about and explore the requests and responses for the Auth0 Authentication API endpoints in your browser with the Authentication API.

Management API

The Management API allows you to manage your Auth0 account programmatically, so you can automate configuration of your environment. Most of the tasks you can perform in the Auth0 Management Dashboard can also be performed programmatically by using this API.

Some example tasks include:


For Public Cloud tenants, Management API endpoints return a maximum of 50 results per response. When there are more results than can be returned in a response, include the page and per_page parameters in your request to retrieve more results.

See Migrate to Management API v2 Endpoint Paginated Queries for information on updating your applications.

API Explorer

Learn about and use the Auth0 Management API in your browser with the Management API Explorer.

Management API v1 has been deprecated

The Management API v1 is deprecated and should not be used for new projects.

Management API v1 reached its End of Life on July 13, 2020. You may have been required to take action before that date to ensure no interruption to your service. Notifications were sent to customers that needed to complete this migration.