Nodes and components

Forms lets you add nodes and components, such as fields, blocks, and widgets for your users to interact with the form. You can then reference the data input, from components, in your forms and flows.

Form nodes

There are five types of form nodes: Start, Step, Flow, Router and Ending screen. These nodes have a very specific purpose for the structure of the form.

Dashboard >  Forms > Form Editor

Step node

Step nodes are the visual representation of the form. They can contain any number of components, such as fields, blocks, and widgets where the user can fill in their data.

Dashboard > Foms > Step node

Field components

Fields are UI components where users input their information in Forms.

Dashboard > Forms > Fields

Field settings

Fields have a number of default settings that you can configure to meet your requirements. 

The default field settings are:

Settings Description
ID The unique id
Label Display or hide a label
Required Input value is required
Hint text Display a hint text
Placeholder text Text visible to the user
Default value Default value visible to the user
Transient Enable or disable data mask

Field validation rules

Settings Description
Min. length / Max. length Require an input value length.
Min. value / Max. value Require a number value length.

Available fields in Forms

The available fields with their specific settings and data output types are:


Standard input lets a user enter any string value.

Text field settings

The text field setting is:

Settings Description
Multiline Enable multi-line input text.

Text field output value

The text field output value data type is a string.

  "text_field_id": "Auth0"

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Standard input lets a user enter email string values.

Email field output value

The email field output value data type is a string.

  "email_field_id": ""

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Standard input lets a user enter phone number values.

Phone field settings

The phone field settings are:

Settings Description
Country picker Enable or disable Country picker. By default, it displays the user’s IP location.
Filter placeholder text Text visible to the user in the country search window.

Phone field output value

The phone field output value data type is either a string or, if Country picker is enabled, an object .

The phone field output data type value as a string:

  "phone_field_id": "8005550175"

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The phone field output data type value as an object :

  "phone_field_id": {
    "national_number": "8005550175",
    "national_format": "(800) 555-0175",
    "international_number": "+18005550175",
    "international_format": "+1 800-555-0175",
    "country_code_iso": "US",
    "country_code_number": "1"

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Standard input that lets a user select single or multiple choice values.

Choice field settings

The Choice field settings are:

Settings Description
Multiple choice Enable several choice options.
Other option Let users enter their own option.
Advanced > Internal values Assign an internal value to each choice option.
Advanced > Bulk edit Bulk edit label and internal choice option values.

Choice field output value

The choice field output value data type is either a string or, if multiple choice is enabled, as an array of strings .

The choice field output data type  value as a string:

  "choice_field_id": "Option A"

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The choice field output data type value as an  array of strings:

  "choice_field_id": ["Option A", "Option B"]

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 Standard input that lets a user select single or multiple choice image values.

Cards field settings

The cards field settings are:

Settings Description
Multiple choice Enable several choice options.
Hide labels Hide card labels.
Advanced > Internal values Assign an internal value for each option.

Cards field output value

The cards field output value data type is either a string or, if multiple choice is enabled, as an array of strings.

The cards field output data type value as a string:

  "card_field_id": "Option A"

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The cards field output data type value as an array of strings:

  "card_field_id": ["Option A", "Option B"]

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Standard input lets a user enter a URL value.

URL field output value

The URL field output value data type is a string:

  "url_field_id": ""

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Standard input that lets a user enter a password or a secret value.

Password field settings

The password field settings are:

Settings Description
Require complex password Passwords must contain an uppercase, a lowercase, a symbol and a number.
Enforce NIST guidelines The password cannot be less than 8 characters, passwords obtained from previous breach corpuses, dictionary words, repetitive or sequential characters, content-specific words.
Add strength meter A graphical meter with a red, yellow and green scale is displayed under the password field to show the strength of the password input.
Hash Select an algorithm to hash the input value directly in the browser.

Password field output value

The password field output value data type is a masked string:

  "password_field_id": "███"

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Standard input that lets a user enter payment information using a payment provider. Payments are processed before the Ending node.

Payment field settings

The payment field settings are:

Settings Description
Payment type Select either a one-off (Charge) or recurring (Subscription) payments.
Amount Specify the amount for a one-off (Charge) payment.
Currency Specify the currency for a one- off ( Charge) payment.
Subscription action Select either to create or update an existing subscription.
Customer action Select either to create or update an existing customer.
Display options Display and edit Card number, Expiration date, and Security code labels and Trustmarks.

Payment field output value

The payment field output value data type is either a string or an object  for after submission flows.

The payment field output value data type as a string:

  "payment_field_id": "pm_1P19e..."

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The payment field output value data type for subscriptions as an object :

  "payment_field_id": {
    "payment_method_id": "pm_1P19e...",
    "customer_id": "cus_PqrM...",
    "price_ids": [
    "subscription_id": "sub_1P1A...",
    "payment_intent_id": "pi_3P19e5..."

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The payment field output value data type for charge as an object :

  "payment_field_id": {
    "payment_method_id": "pm_1P19e...",
    "customer_id": "cus_PqrM...",
    "amount": 100,
    "payment_intent_id": "pi_3P19e5..."

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Standard input that adds legal text and a check input.

Legal field output value

The legal field output value data type is a boolean.

  "legal_field_id": true

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Standard input that lets a user select single or multiple dropdown choice values.

Dropdown field settings

The dropdown field settings are:

Settings Description
Multiple selector Enable several choice options.
Advanced > Internal values Assign an internal value for each option.
Advanced > Bulk edit Bulk edit label and internal values.

Dropdown field output value

The dropdown field output value data type is either a string or, if multiple choice is enabled, as an array of strings .

The dropdown field output data type  value as a string:

  "dropdown_field_id": "Option A"

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The dropdown field output data type value as an array of strings:

  "dropdown_field_id": ["Option A", "Option B"]

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Standard input that lets a user enter number values.

Number field output value

The number field output value data type is a number.

  "number_field_id": 123

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Standard input that lets a user enter either a date or time values.

Date / Time field settings

The date/time field settings is:

Key Description
Format Select either Date or Time format.

Date / Time field output value

The date/time field output data type value for date is a string:

  "date_time_field_id": "2023-04-11"

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The date/time field output data type value for time is a string:

  "date_time_field_id": "23:15"

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Standard input that lets a user enter true or false values.

Boolean field output value

The boolean field output value data type is a boolean.

  "boolean_field_id": true

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Standard field that you can customize to create your own field.

Custom field settings

The custom field setting are:

Settings Description
Params Add key-value pairs to reference in the custom field source code.
Source code Add your Javascript code to the custom field.
JSON Schema By default, the custom field accepts any value format. However, you can use JSON Schema to validate values.

To learn more, read Custom Field Components for Forms.

Blocks components

Blocks are UI components that add functionality to your forms but do not gather user information.

Dashboard > Forms > Components > Blocks

Available blocks in Forms

The available blocks are:


A button that lets users continue to the next form node.

A button that lets users go to the previous step node.

A button that lets users skip the current step and directly jumps to the destination node.

A component that lets users re-run a flow to generate and send a new OTP code

Settings Description
Text alignment Select text alignment, left, center, or right
Text Default text displayed when users select the resend button
Button text Button text
Waiting text Text displayed when users have selected the resend button. Replaces Text and the Button text settings. Use the “{{remaining_seconds}}” variable to dynamically display the remaining number of seconds until the send button is enabled again. For example: “Resend in {{remaining_seconds}} seconds”.
Flow Flow executed after the user selects the resend button.
Max attempts The maximum number of attempts the user can select the resend button
Waiting time The waiting time between attempts in seconds.

A rich text block to personalize the step node with additional information.

A line to divide different sections of the step node. It can contain a small text.

A HTML block to create your custom UI.

An image block to personalize the step adding images.

Widgets components

Widgets are pre-built components, with third-party integrations, that add client-side and server-side logic to your forms.

Dashboard > Forms > Components > Widget

Available widgets in Forms

The available widget is:


A widget that lets a user enter and validate their address.

Google Address widget settings

The Google Address widget settings is:

Settings Description
API key Requires a Google Maps API key to authenticate requests.

Google Address widget output value

The Google Address widget output value data type is an object.

  "google_address_widget_id": {
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "properties": {
      "geocoding": {
        "type": "house",
        "housenumber": "2880",
        "street": "Broadway",
        "city": "New York",
        "county": "New York County",
        "state": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "postcode": "10025"

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Router node

Router nodes let you add rules to create conditional logic jumps between nodes.

By default, a router node has a single pass-through rule named Default Case that connects to other nodes. You can add additional rules based on a set of conditions that a variable must meet to then connect to other nodes. To learn more, read Router.

Dashboard > Forms > Routers

Flow node

Flow nodes let you add and create custom logic and integration flows to your forms. To learn more, read Flows.

Dashboard > Forms > FlowDashboard > Forms > Flow > Editor

Start node

Start nodes are not visible to the user. It is where you can configure hidden field variables, such as user attributes when rendering a form with an Action.

Dashboard > Forms > Start node

Ending screen node

Every form has an Ending screen node. By default this node resumes the authentication flow and this is where you can configure an After submission flow.

Dashboard > Forms > Ending screen node