Continuous Session Protection

Auth0 Continuous Session Protection empowers developers to enhance security and tailor the user experience through customizable session and refresh token management. 

Using Continuous Session Protection, developers can leverage Auth0 Actions to safeguard user sessions and refresh tokens by utilizing detailed session information such as IP addresses, expiration dates, device details, and more.

Key benefits of Continuous Session Protection include:

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: Developers can use session information, such as IP addresses, ASN, and device details to detect and respond to risks such as session hijacking. By integrating with Auth0’s risk assessments, you can automatically revoke sessions or refresh tokens if anomalies are detected, ensuring that only legitimate users maintain access.

  • Comprehensive Token and Session Management: Tailor the session and refresh token lifetime based on user attributes or behaviors. For instance, developers can dynamically adjust session expiration or idle timeout settings depending on factors like user organization, role, or connection type, providing a more personalized and secure user experience.

  • Surface Enriched Info: By leveraging refresh tokens and session information, developers can feed external systems to evaluate risks or enrich user data within their customer’s databases 

With Auth0 Continuous Session Protection, you can ensure that your authentication processes are not only secure but also adaptable to the unique needs of your users, providing a seamless and protected experience across all touchpoints.

Read... To learn...
Refresh Tokens with Actions How to manage refresh tokens with Actions
Sessions with Actions How to manage sessions with Actions.