Execution and Debugger

Each time a flow executes, Auth0 stores an entry that you can use to debug the execution. This is useful to understand why a flow execution error has occurred. For example: a flow can fail due to missing properties, typos, incorrect API keys, etc.

Review flow executions

To review an execution entry for a flow, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Actions > Forms, then select Flows.

  2. Select a flow from the list. 

  3. Select Executions.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flows > Execution

Every execution entry has four properties:

  • Execution date: The date of the flow execution.

  • Execution ID: The unique ID of the flow execution.

  • Status: The current stage of the flow execution. There are four possible execution statuses:

    • Running: The execution is currently in progress.  

    • Failed: The execution failed due to an internal error, such as missing required settings in a flow action.

    • Completed: The execution finished without internal errors.

  • View Details: Opens the debug window of the execution.

Dashboard > Actions >  Forms > Flows > Executions

Debug flow executions

To help debug or troubleshoot a flow, you can review the flow’s input, output, and error data by accessing the View Details of the execution.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Form

To debug an error that interrupts the flow execution, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Actions > Forms

  2. Locate the flow linked to the step node.

    Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Form

  3. Select Edit Flow.

  4. Select Executions.

  5. Select View Details of the Failed execution.

In the example below, the Update user Input view shows a null value for the  user_id property.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flow > Execution

The Error view indicates that the action’s schema validation failed due to a missing the required user_id. The flow returns an internal error that interrupts the flow execution.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flow > Execution > Error

A review of the Update user action shows a syntax error in the User ID parameter, the correct syntax is {{context.user.user_id}}. Once the syntax is corrected, test the flow to confirm. To learn more about variable syntaxes, read Variables.

Dashboard > Actions > Forms > Flows