Data verification

This list of data verification actions allows you to verify emails addresses and to generate and verify one-time passwords.

Generate one-time password

Generates a numeric code with a validity of 5 minutes that can be sent via email, SMS or any messaging apps.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Reference value (required) You can bind your generated code to a phone number, email address or any value.
Code length (required) The number of digits of the generated code.

Output object

Property Type Description
code String The generated code

Output object example

  "code": "███",

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Verify one-time password

Verifies if the provided one-time password code is valid or not.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Reference value (required) Use the same reference value configured in the Generate one-time password action.
Code length (required) The number of digits of the generated code.

Output object

Property Type Description
valid Boolean Indicates if the provided code is valid or not returning a true or false value.
result String Returns different result codes based on the provided code:
  • MISSING: The provided code does not exist.
  • EXPIRED: The provided code has expired.
  • VALID: The provided code is valid.
  • UNEQUAL: The provided code is not valid.

Output object examples

  "valid": false,
  "result": "UNEQUAL"

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  "valid": true

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Verify email address

Performs a number of selected verification rules against a provided email address.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Email (required) email address to verify.
Require MX record Require MX records. When a domain lacks MX records, email servers do not know where to send emails for that domain.
Block free email providers Block free email providers like,, etc.
Block disposable email providers Block disposable emails like,, etc.
Block email account aliases Block email with aliases like
Allowlist domains Allow emails only from approved domains in your list.
Blocklist domains Block specific email domains.

Output object

Property Type Description
valid Boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the email has met the verification rules.
cause String If the valid property is false, returns a reference of the first rule that the email did not meet:
  • MISSING_MX_RECORD: The email domain does not have MX records.
  • FREE_EMAIL: The email domain is a free email provider.
  • DISPOSABLE_EMAIL: The email is a disposable email address.
  • BLOCKLISTED: The email domain is included in the Blocklist domains setting.
  • NOT_ALLOWED: The email domain is not included in the Allowlist domains setting.

Output object example

  "valid": false,
  "cause": "FREE_EMAIL"

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  "valid": true,
  "cause": null

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