
Send message

Send a message using WhatsApp

To create a Vault connection to your WhatsApp account, you will need a permanent access token. To learn more, read using authorization tokens for WhatsApp.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Sender phone ID (required) The sender phone ID can be found in the Facebook Business Manager WhatsAPP settings. Note that it is not a phone number.
Recipient phone number (required) The recipients' phone number in E.164 format.
Message type (required) Select from the dropdown menu the message type. They can be:
  • Audio
  • Contacts
  • Document
  • Image
  • Interactive
  • Location
  • Sticker
  • Template
  • Text
Message object (required) The content of the message object will differ based on the selected message type. To learn more, read Messages.

Output settings

You can find all expected status codes at Facebook's documentation.