
This list of logic actions allows you to add form conditional logic, store shared variables, map values, and to display custom error messages.

If/then condition

Adds a conditional action with True / False branches to customize the behavior of the flow based on input or properties.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Condition Customizable conditional action that triggers True / False branches depending on its result. You can use the AND / OR operators to nest different conditions.

Output response

Property Type Description
result Boolean Returns a true or false response based on the condition result.

Output object example

  "result": true

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Store shared variable

Stores variables in a private state that is available in your form and across its flows.

You can reference these shared variables using {{vars.*}}. To learn more, read Variables.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Data fields The variables to be stored in a private state for use in your form and across its flow. Use key/value pairs to add variables.

Show error message

Displays a custom error message to the user.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Error message The error message to be displayed to the user.

Input value mapping

Maps an input variable to an output based on its values.

Input settings

Parameter Description
Input value (required) The input variable.
Mapping table Map an input variable value an output.
Default output value Sets a default output value to be used when no output value is set in the mapping table.

Output response

Property Type Description
result String Returns the value mapped to an input.

Output object example

	"result": "Please enter a valid email address."

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