- Spring Cloud
Secure Secrets with Spring Cloud Config and Vault
- .NET
What's New in .NET 7 for Authentication and Authorization
- JavaScript
Stranger Scripts
- Ruby
Five Ruby Gems for Authentication and Authorization
- .NET
Call a Protected API from a .NET MAUI App
Learn how to call a protected API from your .NET MAUI application.
- Javascript
Quick JavaScript Authentication with OktaDev Schematics
Learn how to use OktaDev Schematics to add authentication to your JavaScript projects
- Pulumi
Provisioning Auth0 resources with TypeScript and Pulumi
Use Pulumi to provision Auth0 resources using your familiar programming languages
- React Native
Integrate React Native and Spring Boot Securely
Use JHipster to build a photo-sharing app for web and mobile that has a React front-end with OIDC authentication and a Spring Boot back-end with OAuth2 authorization.
- Java
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices
This tutorial explains what micro frontends are and how you can use them with Java microservices.
- .NET
Choosing the Right .NET SDK for Auth0
A map to choose the right SDK to integrate Auth0 in your .NET application.
- Python
Securing a Python CLI application with Auth0
Build Python CLI applications secured by using the device authorization flow with Auth0.
- .NET
Use Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Apps
- Flutter
Introducing the Auth0 Flutter SDK