If you want to expose an API publicly on the Internet, authorization will be a requirement for you sooner or later. You want to verify that the client consuming the API has the appropriate permissions.
This guide is exactly about that. We'll be securing an API written using Ruby On Rails, with Auth0 as the authorization server.
There's a repository with the code so that you can follow along in Github.
Securing an API
I didn't explain what I mean by securing an API yet. Essentially, we're ensuring that protected routes are accessible only for the users with enough rights.
When it comes to security, it's generally considered a bad idea to roll your own bespoke implementation. Instead, I'm using OAuth, a battle-tested and widely used authorization framework for web applications.
In this context, Auth0 fulfills the role of the authorization server and abstracts a significant part of the work away from us. That way, we can focus on delivering value to our users.
Without getting into too many details on how OAuth works, we assume that calls to our API will include a bearer token using the industry-standard JWT format. The token contains a series of claims regarding its issuer, how long it is valid, and what rights it grants. Let's have a look at a sample token:
{ "iss": "https://yourTenant.eu.auth0.com/", "sub": "zHwnsh0j2sTj4u3ss6YedSFrzyb2", "aud": "https://targetAudience.com", "iat": 1621369130, "exp": 1791455530, "azp": "ThEkgdG1NndLlWoNMcEdEr2KJIs9vKad", "scope": "openid profile read:admin-messages", "permissions": ["read:admin-messages"] }
We're going to implement verification for that token and reject requests that don't have the required permissions.
Getting Started
We're getting started with our base application, bootstrapped with Rails 6. This branch is a good starting point. You can download it by running the following command in a terminal window:
git clone -b starter --single-branch https://github.com/auth0-blog/rails-api-auth0.git
The API has three endpoints with different levels of protection:
: Public route./api/messages/public
: Requires a valid access token./api/messages/protected
: Requires a valid access token. Since Auth0 uses JWT as its access token format, we can inspect it and make sure it has a/api/messages/admin
claim that contains the scopepermissions
Running the Application
To run the application, we first need the correct ruby version. The easiest way to do so is to use a version manager like rbenv. Once you install it, run this command inside the repository to install the right version of ruby:
rbenv install
Install the dependencies for the application:
bundle install
And finally, run the application:
bin/rails s
You can verify that the application is working correctly with
:curl localhost:6060/api/messages/public
The command will return a 200 code, plus the message:
{"message": "The API doesn't require an access token to share this message."}
Creating an API on Auth0
To secure the API with Auth0, you need an Auth0 account. If you haven't one, you can sign up for free right now. In the APIs section of the Auth0 dashboard, click Create API. Provide a name and an identifier for your API. You will use the identifier as an
later, when you are configuring the access token verification. Leave the Signing Algorithm as RS256.Once you create the API, go to the Permissions tab in the API details and add a permission called
.Note: While you are in the Auth0 Dashboard, take note of your Auth0 domain. You will need it soon. This is a string in the form
is the name you provided when you created your account with Auth0. For more information, check the documentation.YOUR-TENANT-NAME
Preparing the Application for Validation
Alright, our application is ready to go and in dire need of some security. Before that, we need to add some configurations.
You dutifully stored the
and the audience
after creating the API, right? Let's use them. In the Rails world, the convention is to add this in the config
folder, using YAML. The file is called config/auth0.yml
.We don't want to store credentials in our code, so we'll export the values as environment variables, named
. The configuration uses those values and keeps them safely away from source control!development: issuerUri: <%= ENV["AUTH0_DOMAIN"] %> audience: <%= ENV["AUTH0_AUDIENCE"] %>
Now, set
environment variables to the domain
and audience
values for your API.With this, the application is ready to connect with Auth0. Let's move on to the implementation.
Validating the Access Token
Before we get started, let's talk for a second about authentication frameworks for rails. There are a bunch of alternatives in the ecosystem, such as CanCanCan, or devise.
However, our case is an awkward fit for those. We don't want to take over user management. We only want to validate tokens issued by the authorization server. In this case, using a framework won't bring us as much benefit as something like, say, Spring Security. That's why we only rely on an extra gem, jwt.
The code implementing the authorization check lives in the add-authorization branch. Let's see how it works!
Utilizing the JWT Library
library brings a lot of functionality to make our API able to validate and manage tokens in JWT formats like the ones issued by Auth0. We need to do three things:- We need to fetch the JWKS configuration from Auth0 so that we know what is the public key to verify the access token signature
- With the public key, the issuer, and the audience, we want to verify the token
- After verifying the token, we're decoding it to access the
claim (or any other information contained in the token, really)permissions
Decoding the Token
Let's get down to business. We're implementing the verification/decoding logic in the
folder, in a file called json_web_token.rb
. We're starting by fetching the JWKS data:# lib/json_web_token.rb require 'jwt' require 'net/http' class JsonWebToken class << self def algorithm 'RS256' end def key(header) jwks_hash[header['kid']] end def jwks_hash jwks_raw = Net::HTTP.get URI("#{issuer}.well-known/jwks.json") jwks_keys = Array(JSON.parse(jwks_raw)['keys']) jwks_keys.map do |k| [ k['kid'], OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(Base64.decode64(k['x5c'].first)).public_key ] end.to_h end def issuer "https://#{Rails.application.config.x.auth0.issuerUri}/" end end end
As you can see, through the
we know where to look for the data. Then, we parse the key so that we can consume it in the library.The next step is to add an extra method to the class,
, that verifies and decodes the token at the same time:# lib/json_web_token.rb class JsonWebToken class << self def verify(token) JWT.decode(token, nil, true, # Verify the signature of this token algorithm: algorithm, iss: Rails.application.config.x.auth0.issuerUri, verify_iss: true, aud: Rails.application.config.x.auth0.audience, verify_aud: true) do |header| key(header) end end # ... existing code ... end end
This is all the code that we need for the actual verification. Neat, isn't it? But our controllers are still insecure. Not for long, though.
Protecting the Endpoints
To make it as convenient as possible, we're creating a hook that we're going to run before any route that needs authentication. To make it available for every controller, it lives in the
:# app/controllers/application_controller.rb require 'json_web_token' class ApplicationController < ActionController::API def authorize! valid, result = verify(raw_token(request.headers)) head :unauthorized unless valid @token ||= result end private def verify(token) payload, = JsonWebToken.verify(token) [true, payload] rescue JWT::DecodeError => e [false, e] end def raw_token(headers) return headers['Authorization'].split.last if headers['Authorization'].present? nil end end
We take the token from the standard Authorization header. Then, we verify it with the code from the previous section. There are two possible paths after running
:- If the token isn't there, or it's invalid for any reason, the processing stops right there, and the call returns a 401
- If the token is valid, we continue the execution and store the token in
so that it's available@token
We're protecting both the
and the admin
routes with this hook, thanks to before_action:# app/controllers/api/messages_controller.rb module Api class MessagesController < ApplicationController before_action :authorize!, except: %i[public] end
Custom Error Messages
Don't you feel better knowing that the application is not exposing private stuff anymore? I definitely do. But we got to help our users. A blank 401 message might not give them enough information to debug the issue. Let's extend the hook to return something more explicit:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::API def authorize! valid, result = verify(raw_token(request.headers)) # 👇 old code # head :unauthorized unless valid # 👇 new code render json: { message: result }.to_json, status: :unauthorized unless valid @token ||= result end
Now we get a message that's more helpful than an HTTP code without a body.
Testing the Protected Endpoints
Let's test the protected endpoint:
curl localhost:6060/api/messages/protected
The command will return a 401, because we're not authorized. We need to get a valid token from Auth0.
The simplest way is to access the API section of your Auth0 Dashboard again, select the API that you created before and click the Test tab. In this section, you can get a temporary token to test your Web API by clicking the Copy Token icon as shown in the following picture:
Let's attach the token to the request:
export TOKEN=the-test-token curl localhost:6060/api/messages/protected -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
The request works now!
{"message": "The API successfully validated your access token."}
Checking for permissions
There's one requirement pending. As you might recall, for
a valid token isn't enough. Rather, we expect the correct permission in the permissions
claim. This extra check allows us to define more granular access criteria for our endpoints. This functionality is implemented in the add-rbac branch.We're adding a new method in the
, check_permissions
. It takes the decoded token and looks for a given permission:# app/controllers/application_controller.rb require 'json_web_token' class ApplicationController < ActionController::API # ... existing code ... def can_read_admin_messages! check_permissions(@token, 'read:admin-messages') end def check_permissions(token, permission) permissions = token['permissions'] || [] permissions = permissions.split if permissions.is_a? String unless permissions.include?(permission) render json: { message: 'Access is denied' }.to_json, status: :unauthorized end end # ... existing code ... end
We use a
again to protect the admin
endpoint:# app/controllers/api/messages_controller.rb module Api class MessagesController < ApplicationController before_action :can_read_admin_messages!, only: %i[admin] # ... existing code ... end
With this, each route in our sample application is safe the way we wanted.
Testing Permissions
If you try to call the
endpoint with the token we generated before, it will return a 401. Our token is valid but doesn't have the necessary permissions. Let's create a new one!Back in your API configuration page on the Auth0 Dashboard, select the Machine to Machine Applications tab. You'll get a list of applications, some of them with the (Test Application) label in the name. These applications are automatically created by Auth0 when you create an API there. They are meant as test clients from your API. One of them should have the Authorized switch on. Click the dropdown next to it and check the
permission:Then, click the Update button, move again to the Test tab, and copy the new token that has been generated for you. Let's try again:
export TOKEN=the-new-test-token curl localhost:6060/api/messages/admin -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
The request works now!
{"message":"The API successfully recognized you as an admin."}
In this guide, we've added authorization to a Rails API by using Auth0 as an authorization server. Thanks to the
gem, we don't have to invest much effort. We use the library to decode the bearer token that the API receives. After that, it's a matter of checking the relevant routes before each request.About the author

Mario Fernandez
Staff Engineer
I develop software for a living, and then I go home and continue thinking about software because I just can’t get enough. I’m a full-stack engineer with infrastructure skills. I’ve led multiple agile delivery teams, being an individual contributor, driving architecture topics, and coaching and supporting other team members.
I believe in high-quality software and advocate for Continuous Delivery, Test-Driven Development, and quick iteration. I write and speak about my experience regularly. Needless to say, all the opinions expressed in this blog are mine and only mine.